Endeavour Mining Results Presentation Deck slide image

Endeavour Mining Results Presentation Deck

INSIGHTS An exploration programme of $9.0 million is planned for FY-2022, of which $1.6 million was spent during Q1-2022 consisting of approximately 6,500 meters of drilling across 50 drillholes. > > During Q1-2022, drilling focussed on the Nogbele area pits targetting extensions of existing mineralisation and sterilisation of depleted resources. In addition, early work started on the Ouahiri South deposit. At Nogbele North and Nogebele South drilling was focussed on extending mineralisation along strike and down dip to evaluate the expansions of the Nogbele resources. After completion of this programme, early-stage drilling started on the Ouahiri South prospect, located approximately 4km to the west of the Nogbele area, with preliminary results pending. > WAHGNION MINE, BURKINA FASO Significant exploration potential exists within the permitted mine license During Q2-2022, the exploration programme will focus on early-stage drilling of prospective targets within close proximity to the Wahgnion mill, including Oahiri South, Bozogo, Hillside and Kassera. Wahgnion map MALI Bagu Sud ★Kafina West Ouahiri South CÔTE D'IVOIRE Nogbele North & Nangolo Deposits Mining Permit Exploration Permits Deposits Prospects Weah Raul 5 km from plant 0 NIANKA II Plant Salentini South Nogbele Deposit WAHGNION NOGBELE SUD Sud Kangoura ★Bassangoro South HK South Fourkoura Deposit Hillside Kassera 10 Fambesso km Kassangara Korindougou Dagano ENDEAVOUR MINING NOGBELE II Stinger Deposit 20 Samavogo North Samavogo Deposit 41
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