Sezzle Results Presentation Deck slide image

Sezzle Results Presentation Deck

KEY STATISTICS FOR JANUARY TOTAL INCOME US $11.7M GAAP NET INCOME (US$0.2M) US$1.0M 18.3% YoY ADJUSTED EBTDA¹ US$2.0M 97.7% YoY ADJUSTED EBITDA¹ 132,000 (AS OF 22 FEB 2023) 116.1% YoY 135.1% YoY SEZZLE PREMIUM 10,000+ MOM COMMENTARY Total Income for January rose 18.3% YoY to US$11.7 million as FY22 initiatives continue to push revenue higher YoY. Total Income as a percent of UMS reached 10.0%. . ● ● ● Average Daily UMS is up 8.0% through 25 February 2023 compared to January 2023. In January, a Net Loss (a GAAP measure) of US$0.2 million was primarily driven by lower UMS, peak seasonal transaction processing volumes from the holiday period being realized in the month, and the timing of certain employee benefit payments. Adjusted EBTDA and Adjusted EBITDA remained positive at US$1.0 million and US$2.0 million, respectively. The Company successfully achieved its FY22 mission of becoming profitable by year end. In FY23, the Company aims to further increase bottom-line profitability and pursue profitable top-line growth by leveraging its strong unit economics and leaner operating structure. ¹Adjusted EBTDA and Adjusted EBITDA are non-GAAP financial measures. For a reconciliation of GAAP Net Income (Loss), Adjusted EBITDA, and Adjusted EBTDA see Appendix II for reconciliation. SEZZLE INC 4Q22 Presentation | 20
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