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Meyer Burger Investor Presentation

amounts in CHF m 30.06.2021 in % 30.06.2020 in % restated Net sales 18.0 100.0% 51.0 100.0% Other operating income 1.5 5.2 Currency translation gains and losses on trade receivables and customer prepayments Total income 0.4 0.8 19.9 57.1 Changes in inventories of finished and semi- finished products and machines before acceptance Cost of products and work in process Capitalized goods and services -9.4 -12.9 -16.8 -26.5 20.5 1.2 Consolidated Income Statement Operating income after cost of products and services Personnel expenses Operating expenses Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) Depreciation and impairment on property, pland and equipment 14.2 79.2% 18.9 37.0% -27.7 -31.1 -17.5 -13.2 -30.9 -172.1% -25.5 -2.1 -3.1 Amortization and impairment on intangible assets and goodwill -1.1 -2.7 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) -34.1 -189.9% -31.3 -61.4% Financial result Result from investment in associates Ordinary result 1.3 -2.2 -35.0 -194.8% Non-operating result 0.1 Earnings before income taxes -34.9-194.5% Income taxes -2.3 Result -37.2 -207.2% -4.5 -2.1 -37.9 0.0 -37.9 -74.2% 0.5 -37.4 -74.3% -50.0% Income statement reflects the transition phase Operating income solely relates to the legacy business Net sales mainly driven by equipment and spare. parts sales along with services from legacy business Personnel and operating expenses impacted by business transformation Incremental personnel and operating expenses for module business while personnel and operating expenses for legacy business decrease -73.3% Presentation for Investors, Analysts and Media, August 19, 2021 Meyer Burger Technology AG 28
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