UBS ESG Presentation Deck
Climate-related lending standards in the energy and utilities sectors
Oil and gas
Coal-fired power plants
Coal mining
Mountaintop removal (MTR)
Arctic oil and oil sands
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) and
ultra-deepwater drilling
No project-level finance to new coal-fired power plants globally.
Financing of existing coal-fired operators (>20% coal reliance) subject to a transition strategy that aligns with the goals of
the Paris Agreement, or if the transaction is related to renewable energy or clean technology.
No financing where the stated use of proceeds is for greenfield¹ thermal coal mines.
Financing of existing thermal coal-mining companies (>20% of revenues) subject to a transition strategy that aligns with the
goals of the Paris Agreement, or if the transaction is related to renewable energy or clean technology.
Not providing financing to coal mining companies engaged in MTR operations.
No financing where the stated use of proceeds is for new offshore oil projects in the Arctic or greenfield¹ oil sands projects.
Financing of companies with significant reserves or production in arctic oil and/or oil sands (>20% of reserves or production)
subject to a transition strategy that aligns with the goals of the Paris Agreement, or if the transaction is related to renewable
energy or clean technology.
Enhanced Environmental & Social Risk (ESR) due diligence considering relevant factors and the company's past and present
environmental and social performance.
Numbers in USDbn unless otherwise indicated; refer to slides the Sustainability Report 2020 for more information; 1 New mines / wells or expansion of existing mines/wells resulting in a material increase
in production capacity
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