Talkspace SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Talkspace SPAC Presentation Deck

t A comprehensive mental health solution is a key priority for the workplace today 9 of 10 employees (92%) report some level of anxiety from the pandemic ā— 91% Employees believe employers should care about emotional health 414 Only one-third (32%) say they can balance working from home and other responsibilities The need is creating outspoken demand amongst employees 85% Employees considered behavioral benefits when evaluating a new job Source: Willis Towers Watson, Mental health in the workplace: The coming revolution (McKinsey 2020) Fewer than half of respondents (46%) say their company is making it easier to access and use employee benefits ) 60% Employers starting, continuing, or expanding behavioral health offerings 66 The challenges presented by this crisis highlight the demand for cross- functional collaboration to truly address employee concerns calls on business heads to demonstrate leadership by navigating the organization through chaotic times. 99 Willis Towers Watson 22
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