OSP Value Fund IV LP Q4 2022
OSP, LLC (the "Manager") Disclosure: The Manager of OSP Value Fund, LP, OSP Value Fund , LP, OSP Value Fund III, LP, OSP Value Fund III-B, LP, OSP Value Fund IV, LP and OSP Value Fund IV-B, LP (the "Funds") is
registered as an investment advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Manager is not registered with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") as a commodity pool operator or a
commodity trading advisor as it does not engage in futures transactions on behalf of the Funds or otherwise. In addition, interest in the Funds are offered pursuant to an exemption from registration with the SEC.
Consequently, the Funds are not subject to the regulatory reporting and disclosure requirements imposed on registered entities such as Registered Investment Companies (such as a mutual fund), as defined in the
Investment Company Act, as amended.
The information contained in this document (the "Presentation") is qualified in its entirety by the following important Legal Notices, all of which must be read in connection with this Presentation. This Presentation is
intended for sophisticated investors for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice or recommendations or financial, legal or tax advice by the Manager, any of its affiliates or any
other party. Unless otherwise indicated, information, data, strategies and opinions included in this Presentation are subject to change without notice based on market and other developments.
The Funds may employ one or more "alternative" investment techniques, which can include arbitrage techniques, long and short positions, leverage, derivatives and investments in many different types of securities and
markets, including foreign markets. The Funds intend to invest in management-intensive assets and, because of their structure, may involve multiple layers of fees, which can negatively affect performance results. As
with many investments, the Funds are speculative, involve a high degree of risk, and can be volatile. An investment in the Funds will be illiquid, subject to significant transfer restrictions, and have no secondary trading
market. Investors could lose all or a substantial portion of their investment.
Information contained in this document is obtained from sources the Manager deems to be reliable; however, the Manager cannot and does not guarantee its accuracy and it is subject to change without notice. Past
performance is no guarantee of future results. No representation is made that the Funds are or will be omp or similar to the investments comprising the selected examples shown, either in composition or
element of risk involved. Such comparisons are solely to illustrate the Funds' potential performance. The performance results of individual investors in the Funds may vary depending upon the timing, size, and fee
structure of their investment. Moreover, there can be no assurance that comparable historical investment returns can be achieved by the Funds. No tables, charts or graphs should be relied upon in determining whether
or not to invest in the Funds.
Performance from the period of 1994 through 2010 is extracted from Cargill Value Investment and subsequently CarVal Investors, LLC owned portfolios managed by E. Gerald O'Brien, the Manager's CEO and CIO, while
at Cargill and CarVal (the "CarVal Portfolio"). Performance of the CarVal Portfolio is not necessarily illustrative of future results, is not necessarily representative of the Funds' portfolios, does not contain the same
investments as the Funds' portfolios, and should not be relied upon in deciding whether or not to invest. +
Certain performance figures in this communication are gross (i.e., do not reflect the deduction of advisory fees), estimated and unaudited, based on estimated and unaudited net asset valuations of the underlying
portfolio investments, unless otherwise stated, and are subject to final year-end audit and adjustments. Actual net returns achieved by investors would be considerably lower after taking into account advisory fees,
commissions and other expenses borne by the Funds. The advisory fees charged to the Funds by the Manager are fully described in the Funds' offering documents. The performance numbers have not been
independently audited by the Manager's accountants. Any specific investments identified in this presentation were selected for inclusion on the basis of being representative of investments that the Manager believes
are comparable to investments that future Funds may seek to make. It should not be assumed that investments identified were or will be profitable; that their performance is necessarily representative of the Manager's
overall performance.
This Presentation is not a complete summary of all of the terms and risks associated with the investment. You may contact the Manager to ask any questions you may have with regard to this Presentation, including
questions about the procedures and methodologies used to calculate the investment returns.
Please note that this communication does not constitute an offer to sell, nor is it a solicitation of an offer to purchase, an interest in the Funds or the Manager. Any such offer or solicitation can be made only through the
appropriate Confidential Offering Memorandum, which should be read carefully, especially the "Risk Factors" section, before making a decision to invest. Investors must independently assess the suitability of any
particular investment opportunity to their overall investment strategy and must conduct their own due diligence investigation before making an investment in the Funds or Manager. In doing so, investors should seek
advice from their own advisers.
This Presentation is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any location where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation, or which would subject the Manager or Funds to
any authorization, registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction. This Presentation must be kept strictly confidential and may contain commercial or financial information, trade secrets, intellectual
property and/or copyrighted property of the Manager and/or its affiliates. This information does not purport to be complete. Any reproduction or disclosure of the contents of this Presentation, in whole or in part,
without the prior written consent of the Manager is prohibited. All recipients agree they will keep confidential all information contained herein and will use this Presentation for the sole purpose of evaluating a possible
investment in a Fund. Access, copying or re-use of this Presentation by non-intended or non-authorized recipients is prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient of this Presentation, please notify the Manager and
delete any copies or printouts of this Presentation and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain or redistribute any portion of this Presentation.
This Presentation does not take into account the particular investment objectives or financial circumstances of any specific person who may receive it. In particular but without limitation, unless the Manager expressly
agrees in writing, it does not hold itself out as providing advice on suitability of any product for you. Furthermore, the Manager undertakes no obligation and assumes no liability or responsibility (whether express or
implied) to any person concerning this Presentation except as required by mandatory provision of law which may not be excluded and hereby excludes all liability for loss or damage (including direct, indirect,
foreseeable, special or consequential loss or damage and including loss of profit) even if advised of the possibility of such damages incurred or sustained by any person in connection with this Presentation or its use
including (without limitation) for consequences of reliance upon any opinion or statement contained therein or any error or omission whether negligent or not, except to the extent such liability may not be excluded or
limited by applicable law or regulation, including, but not limited to, the rules of SEC and the FSA (as applicable).
Certain information contained herein constitutes "Forward-Looking Statements," which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "forecast," "initiative,"
"objective," "plan," "goal," "project," "outlook," "priorities," "target," "intend," "evaluate," "pursue," "seek," "may," "would," "could," "should," "believe," "potential," "continue," or the negative of any of those words or
similar expressions is intended to identify forward-looking statements. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or results or the actual performance of a Fund may differ materially from those reflected or
contemplated in such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
Prepared for the date of Connecticut
+ See also, Financial Disclosure Footnotes at conclusion of this presentationView entire presentation