Snap Inc Results Presentation Deck
Note Regarding User Metrics and Other Data (Continued)
In the past we have relied on third-party analytics providers to calculate our metrics, but today we rely primarily on our analytics platform that we developed and operate. We count a
DAU only when a user opens the application and only once per user per day. We believe this methodology accurately measures our user engagement. We have multiple pipelines of
user data that we use to determine whether a user has opened the application during a particular day and thus is a DAU. This provides redundancy in the event one pipeline of data were
to become unavailable for technical reasons, and also gives us redundant data to help measure how users interact with our application.
If we fail to maintain an effective analytics platform, our metrics calculations may be inaccurate. We regularly review, have adjusted in the past, and are likely in the future to adjust our
processes for calculating our internal metrics to improve their accuracy. As a result of such adjustments, our DAUs or other metrics may not be comparable to those in prior periods. Our
measures of DAUs may differ from estimates published by third parties or from similarly titled metrics of our competitors due to differences in methodology or data used.
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