Brivo SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Brivo SPAC Presentation Deck

Future Revenue Value (FRV) ā— What is FRV? Obrivo. Represents the sum of ARR cohorts over a 15 year average account life assuming 5% annual attrition What is the difference between FRV and Bookings? FRV Based on contracted Sales Calculated using 15 years of retention data ? ? ? Bookings Based on LOIs, not contracts Insufficient history to predict retention Uncommitted (in $mm) New FRV: $273.5 2021E $273.5 Cumulative FRV $512.5 2022E $239.0 $989.2 2023E $476.7 $1,698.5 Committed Please refer to "Disclaimer" on Slides 2 and 3 including under the headers "Forward-Looking Statements" and "Financial Information" for the disclaimer regarding the forecasts and projections included in this presentation. 2024E $709.3 $2,630.4 2025E $931.9 Brivo expects to create over $2.6 billion in FRV by 2025 14
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