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Toyota Investor Presentation Deck

TMC Consolidated Financials Consolidated Income Statement (JPY millions) Net Revenues Operating Income Net Income attributable to TMC Consolidated Balance Sheet (JPY millions) Current assets Non-current assets Total Assets Liabilities Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2019 2020 30,225,681 2,467,545 1,882,873 April 1, 2019 19,178,450 34,237,955 53,416,405 32,761,195 As of 20,655,210 29,929,992 2,442,869 2,076,183 March 31, 2020 18,963,320 35,009,043 53,972,363 32,633,351 Shareholders' equity Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity 53,416,405 53,972,363 TMC has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) beginning from the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2021. The Consolidated Balance Sheet information is presented in accordance with IFRS for all periods. Source: TMC FY2020 Financial Summary and TMC Q3 FY2021 Financial Summary 21,339,012 Nine Months Ended December 31, 2020 19,525,255 1,507,922 1,468,064 As of December 31, 2020 21,676,792 36,333,523 58,010,315 35.377,237 22,633,078 58,010,315 TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES 34
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