Deutsche Bank Fixed Income Presentation Deck slide image

Deutsche Bank Fixed Income Presentation Deck

Current ratings As of April 28, 2023 Counterparty obligations (e.g. deposits/ structured notes/ derivatives/ swaps/ trade finance obligations) Long-term senior unsecured Tier 2 Preferred² Non-preferred Additional Tier 1 Short-term Outlook Note: For footnotes refer to slides 35 and 36 Deutsche Bank Investor Relations Moody's Investors Services A1 A1 Baa1 Baa3 Ba2 P-1 Stable Q1 2023 Fixed Income Investor Call April 28, 2023 S&P Global Ratings A-1 A- BBB- BB+ BB- A-2 Stable Fitch Ratings A- A- BBB+ BBB- BB F2 Positive DBRS A (high) / A (low) BBB (high) R-1 (low) Positive 16
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