Meyer Burger Investor Presentation slide image

Meyer Burger Investor Presentation

Consolidated income statement in CHF T 1.1.-30.6. 1.1.-30.6. 2022 2021 Movement Net sales Net sales mainly increased due to the ramp up of Meyer Burger's module production and related sales, which made up CHF 42.2 million of total income. The close out of old projects contributed a total of CHF 4.8 million revenues. Cost of product and work in progress increased as a result of higher sales volumes. These costs are partially offset for externally sourced goods used in the manufacturing of own machines in the line capitalized goods and services. Operations Personnel expenses increased based on the ramp-up of the two new production sites. The decrease in operating expenses reflects the success of the strict cost management and restructuring measures of the previous years weighted against the additional costs for the ramp-up. Depreciation, amortization & impairment The strong increase of depreciation, amortization & impairment is based on the increase in property, plant and equipment due to the expansion of the production facilities. Financial result The net financial result of CHF -8.4 million is primarily driven by interest on the convertible bond of CHF 4.9 million, interest on the credit facility of CHF 1.0 million, negative foreign exchange effects of CHF 1.8 million, the positive result on derivative financial assets of CH 1.2 million and other financial expenses s of CHF 1.8 million, which mainly included guarantee premiums for the credit facility. Net sales 56 700 Other operating income 1506 Currency translation effects trade -408 Total income 57 798 17 966 1508 383 19 857 38'734 -2 Changes in inventories 3 815 -9 390 Cost of products and work in process -57 530 -16 770 -791 37 941 13 205 -40 760 Cost of products Capitalized goods and services 21 316 20 534 Operating income after costs of products and 25 399 14 231 782 11 168 services Personnel expenses -33 176 Operating expenses -16 657 Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and -24 434 -27 686 -17 461 -30 916 -5 490 804 6 482 amortization (EBITDA) Depreciation and impairment on property, plant and equipment -7 761 -2093 -5668 Amortization and impairment on intangible assets and goodwill -479 -1104 625 Earnings before interests and taxes (EBIT) -32 674 -34 113 Financial result -8 377 Result from investment in associates Ordinary result Non-operating result -41 051 37 1313 -2 192 -34 992 53 1439 -9690 2 192 -6.059 -16 Earnings before income taxes -41 014 Income taxes 5 -34 939 -2 289 -6 075 2 294 Result -41 009 -37 228 -3 781 MEYER BURGER Meyer Burger Technology AG, Presentation for Investors, Analysts and Media, August 18, 2022 20
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