Vale Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

Vale Investor Day Presentation Deck

Achieving 400 Mtpy capacity level Northern System: a smoother ramp up Northern System smoother ramp up from previous plan Serra Norte licensing Backlog of rolling licenses required to sustain production Delays in different mining fronts (e.g. N3, N1/N2) Gelado project phasing Project starts with 5 Mtpy capacity as requires Usina 1 conversion to achieve full capacity (10 Mtpy) S11D waste crusher In addition to the four jaspilite crushers, a new crusher is required to process large compact waste blocks Start-up expected by 2025 Northern System capacity resumption roadmap Mtpy 203 Today 2 10 S11D S11D (jaspilite (100 Mtpy crushers project) installation) -10 5 -5 Serra Norte Serra Norte S11D (licensing) (Gelado (waste project first processing) years) 230 End of 2022 205 10 Serra Norte (licesing) 215 New Medium term (Path to 400 Mtpy) VALE 26
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