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Investor Presentation

3-RENEWABLES REVOLUTION - STORAGE MARKETS Grenergy main markets early position and core business PV + Storage, Spain New Capacity market regulation PROS: At least 5 GW Storage Objective 2030 • Lowest LCOS in Europe CONS: • Capacity market regulation in process Stand Alone regulation in process Grenergy renovables PV + WIND + Storage, Chile Defining new Energy storage needs PROS: • At least 4 GW Storage Objective 2030 • Lowest LCOS worldwide CONS: • Marginal cost and Nodal prices PV + Storage, UK Mature Energy storage markets PROS: • High potential of minimum 9 GW storage market on track •Most Advanced regulation in Europe CONS: Energy market complexity Grenergy Forecast of 5-10% Revenue in 2025 CAPEX FOM Energy Markets • Mature energy market & Complexity Missing money Energy Storage key points and future services 1. Curtailment avoidance 2. RES Penetration enabler 3. Plant capacity factor up to 50% additional 4. Electrical grid balance element 5. Smart Grids enabler 6. New long term Energy PPA Pros and Cons scenario for a PV + Storage 50 MW / 200 MWh system in Spain, 50 MW / 250 MWh system un Chile and PV + Storage up to 50 MW / 100 MWh in the UK or Stand-alone system with Export/Import up to 50 MW. 1,5 cycles/day, and time life 15Y for a BOL system. Electrochemical BESS systems Lithium ion LFP. 23
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