Experienced Senior Team Overview
Why We Focus On the Lower End of the Middle Market
Upper Middle Market
Lower Middle Market
Companies with EBITDA
of $25 million or less
We view this market as less competitive than the upper middle market and
believe that origination fees and spreads are likely to be higher and lender
protections stronger
Typically offers higher yields and lower Debt/EBITDA
More conservative capital structures
Stricter covenants creates opportunity for early involvement during defaults
More manageable lender groups (typically 1-3), that facilitate work-outs
should they be required
▪ More stringent legal due diligence and lender friendly legal documentation
Better access to management
Private equity sponsor support for borrowers
May create follow-on financing opportunities as companies grow
Over time we expect over 50% of our platform financings to have add-on activity
There can be no assurance that the investment objective will be successful or that losses can be avoided.
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