MP Materials SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

MP Materials SPAC Presentation Deck

SUSTAINABLY-SOURCED MATERIALS POWERING THE GREEN REVOLUTION ESG DESIGNED FROM INCEPTION WITH AN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY "GREEN MINE" Utilizes a state-of-the-art dry tailings process, eliminating the need for high-risk wet tailings ponds • Water reclaimed from the paste tailings facility is recycled back into the production process to mitigate the environmental impact; this process uses 1/20th of the fresh water of a comparable milling and flotation circuit MPMATERIALS Tailings Impoundment Paste Tailings Facility Open Pit Mine Mill Facility CHP and Chlor-Alkali Facility Mine - Ore-body with low levels of thorium and uranium 2 Mill - Uses reclaimed water from the paste tailings facility 3 Paste Tailings - Dry tailings provides reclaimed water for flotation Tailings Impoundment-Dry failings deposited in a lined impoundment, reducing risk of seepage issues, runout or catastrophic failure, while minimizing waste 5 CHP and Chlor-Alkali Facility - Will utilize clean natural gas to provide reliable, low cost power and steam; waste water brine from the separations process will be consumed to create reagents on-site
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