Investor Presentaiton
Key Highlights - Q2FY23
Crete Airport (Greece)
Project is fully funded mainly through State Grant which is already received and Airport Modernisation &
Development Tax. It is a debt free Project
~93% of Earth Works completed on Airport side. Works progressing in multiple fronts of Runway, Taxiway,
Apron, Parking area, Fire station and other buildings
Terminal Building concreting works are in progress for base slab, foundation and columns
Flood protection works are in progress in both Airport and Access roads
15.9% of physical progress achieved as of September 30, 2022
Medan Airport (Indonesia)
Traffic recovery driven by steady growth in both domestic and international traffic. Domestic traffic recovered
to 81% of 2019 level and international traffic recovered to 75% of 2019 level in October 2022. Overall, total
traffic has recovered 79%
Ministry of Transport, Indonesia has approved increase in Passenger Service charges (PSC). Domestic PSC
has been increased by 27% and International PSC has been increased by 16% w.e.f August 1, 2022
Currently, connected with 18 domestic destinations and 6 international destinations
Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual
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