Nordnet 9M 2021 Financial Overview
Transaction overview
Key Investment Highlights
Well-diversified business model
Solid geographic distribution
Strong organic growth
A leading platform for growth
Limited exposure to credit risk
☐ Strong liquidity position
Public presentation
Transaction rationale
SEK Benchmark
Perpetual NC5.25Y Additional Tier 1
Optimizing the capital structure in regards to regulatory
Nordnet is committed to the SEK market and this transaction is
the second SEK AT1
The terms and conditions of this transaction are based on the
Nordnet AT1 transaction in Q1 2019 and follows the key terms of
recent AT1s in the SEK market with a 7% CET1 trigger on the
consolidated level and with a temporary write down mechanism.
Call dates (5-5.25y): First possible call date after 5y followed by
a 3 month initial call period (call at par possible at any day within
the initial call period) and then quarterly on any subsequent
interest payment date
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