World Bank Country Survey 2013 slide image

World Bank Country Survey 2013

GALLUP PAKISTAN Affiliated with Gallup International World Leaders in Marketing Research C Consultancy World Bank Country Survey 2013 HIGHLIGHTS 1.5.1 Reasons of Failure: Extrinsic Challenges - Governance and Political Pressures D WORLD BANK Respondents concurred that World Bank's challenges are largely extrinsic. 33% of the Stakeholders and 40% of the Clients agree that poor governance undermines the effectiveness of the Bank's reforms. Similarly, 36% of the Stakeholders and 28% of the Clients believe that political pressures and obstacles interfere with the Bank's work. 1.5.2 Advice for Future: Improve Expertise and Reduce Complexities The majority of the Stakeholders and Clients agreed that improving the quality of experts to match Pakistan's specific challenges (38% stakeholders and 41% clients), and reducing the complexity of obtaining World Bank financing (28% stakeholders and 31% clients) were two important strategies for making the World Bank more effective in Pakistan. 1.6 Preferred Priorities for World Bank as Described by Respondents: Energy and Education Stakeholders and Clients reached a consensus around the issues seen as priority areas for the development agenda. Energy was identified by 36% of the stakeholders and 40% of the clients, while Education and Skills Enhancement was chosen by 68% of the stakeholders and 56% of the clients as the two sectors that must be prioritized by the World Bank as the focus of its attention and resources in Pakistan. 1.7 Delivery Mechanisms: Local Government and Academia Significant proportions of Stakeholders and Clients concurred on the channels for delivering aid and assistance in Pakistan. Local Government was singled out by 41% of the stakeholders and 44% of the Clients as preferred mediums for transferring aid. Academia/think tanks/and research institutes were singled out by 30% of the stakeholders and 28% of the clients. Page 9
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