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Investor Presentaiton

ADDITIONAL UPSIDE....... Spa*ark Energy_8 • • • Hybrid energy systems, combining two or more sources of energy, are becoming commonplace. Using geothermal fluid as feed for (e.g.) a thermal power plant, or alternatively, further heating of geothermal fluid have both been used to increase efficiency and output. For example, the large multi-renewable generator ENEL, recently added a biomass facility to a geothermal power plant, increasing plant capacity by nearly 40%*. Tasmania has a large resource of under-utilised forest biomass with more than 3Mt per year of residues potentially available. The idea of using this for energy applications is actively promoted by the Tasmanian Government#. Regardless of the reservoir temperature at Lemont, further heating of the geothermal fluid should significantly increase the output. Tasmania has a large timber industry which generates ~3Mtpa of residues, much of which is currently under-utilised. * #
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