ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 | AXTEL = As of the date of issuance, the Company and its advisers consider that the rates will prevail based on the resolutions obtained before the IFT, especially since the precedents resolved by the SJCN are favorable to Axtel's interests, therefore the outlook for the matter is favorable. As of the date of issuance, the Company has recognized and paid the cost based on the rates determined by the IFT, and there are no provisions associated with this contingency. b. Telefónica Group. 2018 rates i. Two amparo lawsuits, on ITX and virtual mobile networks, where Axtel is an interested third party. ii. January 2018: the Company was notified of two writs filed by Telefonica against the rates for the 2018 period determined by the IFT. iii. June 2018: the Company was notified of an amparo lawsuit filed by Telefonica against OMV's ITX rates for the period of 2018, determined by the IFT. iv. Current status: In first instance, the suspension was lifted by instruction of the SCJN, so the trial continues, while the trial related to ITX and Axtel's Virtual Mobile Operator (OMV) remains suspended. Given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, the outlook is favorable. 2019 rates i. An amparo lawsuit, on ITX and virtual mobile networks, where Axtel is an interested third party. ii. June 2019: the Company was notified of an amparo lawsuit filed by Telefonica against the rates for the period of 2019, determined by the IFT. iii. Current status: In first instance: Given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, the outlook is favorable. 2020 rates i. Two amparo lawsuits, on ITX and virtual mobile networks, where Axtel is an interested third party. ii. June 2020: the Company was notified of a lawsuit filed by Telefonica against the rates for the year 2020, determined by the IFT. iii. Current status: In first instance: Given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, the outlook for the matter is favorable insofar as controversial issues were defined. As of the date of issuance, the Company and its advisers consider that the rates will prevail based on the resolutions obtained before the IFT, especially since they have precedent in the Máximo Tribunal, therefore, it is estimated that an adverse scenario no longer exists. 163 1663
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