DCB Bank Financial Highlights
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information in this presentation is being provided by DCB Bank Limited (the "Bank”).
This presentation has been prepared for information purposes only, without regard to any specific objectives, financial situations or informational needs of any particular person,
and is not an offer or invitation, directly or indirectly, to buy or sell any securities of the Bank by any person in any jurisdiction, including India and the United States, nor shall a
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Act, 2013, as amended, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, as amended and any other applicable
No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or
opinions contained in this presentation. Such information and opinions are in all events not current after the date of this presentation. Further, past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results.
This presentation is not a complete description of the Bank. This presentation may contain forward-looking statements based on the currently held beliefs and assumptions of
the management of the Bank, which are expressed in good faith and, in their opinion, reasonable. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties,
assumptions and other factors, which may cause the actual results, financial condition, performance, or achievements of the Bank or industry results to differ materially from the
results, financial condition, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements
include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding expansion plans and the benefits there from, fluctuations in our earnings, our ability to manage growth and
implement strategies, intense competition in our business including those factors which may affect our cost advantage, our ability to attract and retain highly skilled
professionals, changes in technology, availability of financing, our ability to successfully complete and integrate our business plans, liabilities, political instability and general
economic conditions affecting our industry. Given these risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors, recipients of this document are cautioned not to place undue reliance
on these forward-looking statements. The Bank disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments.
This presentation is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States or in any other jurisdiction. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration
or an exemption from registration. No shares or other securities may be offered or sold other than in compliance with the laws of relevant jurisdictions, including the United
States Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
By viewing this presentation you acknowledge that you will be solely responsible for your own assessment of the market and the market position of the Bank and the potential
future performance of the business of the Bank.
Except as otherwise stated, all of the information contained herein is preliminary and indicative and is based on management information, current plans and estimates in the
form as it has been disclosed in this presentation. Industry and market-related information is obtained or derived from industry publications and has not been verified by us. The
information contained in this presentation, except as otherwise stated, is only current as of the date of the presentation, is subject to change without notice and there can be no
assurance that future results or events will be consistent with any such information. The Bank may alter, modify or otherwise change in any manner the content of this
presentation, without any obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. The accuracy of this presentation is not guaranteed. It may be incomplete or condensed
and it may not contain all material information concerning the Bank. Persons relying on the information in this presentation or any other communication by the Bank should do so
at their own risk and the Bank or any of its officers and directors shall not be responsible for any kind of consequences or liability to any person arising out of, any act or omission
based on or relying and acting upon any such information.
Figures for the previous period / year have been regrouped wherever necessary to conform with the current period's / year's presentation. Financial numbers are from Audited
Financials or Limited Reviewed Financials or based on Management estimates.
Financial numbers are rounded off to nearest whole number
DCB Bank Limited
CIN: L99999MH1995PLC089008
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