Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
New reality (by segment)
| Renewables (HPPS, SHPS, Solar, Wind, Biogas, Hydrogen)
Business Model: Resumption of new energy auctions
Operating Model: Declining Costs and Increasing
Competitiveness of Battery Storage
Changes in Consumer Habits: More conscientious consumers,
demanding in relation to the level of service
• Lean Strategy: Impact on large generators.
Employees: Staff with more analytical profiles
Capital Structure: Investment alternatives in assets so as not to
miss the "wave" of renewable infrastructure debentures.
Risk Management: Business risk (climate, regulatory) and market;
Specific ESG aspects for each segment: Circular economy (solar
and wind), traceability (biogas), etc.
| Oil and gas
• Business Model: Rethink the fuel consumption model - customer
experience; collaborative materials platforms; offshore contracting
model daily rate vs. Performance; etc.
Operational Model: Digitalization of manual processes, mainly
offshore, and operation automation; increased use of artificial
intelligence in the maintenance process; intensified use of D&A for
reservoir assessment; etc.
· Changes In Consumer Habits: Reduced Urban Mobility Vs.
greater use of e-commerce.
• Lean Strategy: Rethink the "Asset Light" model - technology
Employees: Resumption of jobs. Market reheating.
Capital Structure: Focus on asset portfolio diversification.
• Risk Management: Low impact.
Source: KPMG - Nova realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
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