NORD/LB Group Presentation slide image

NORD/LB Group Presentation

Sustainability at NORD/LB Sustainability at NORD/LB What we have already achieved Strategies In consultation with our stakeholders, we have drawn up a climate, data and transition strategy in general outlines Project Set up the "CARE" project, among other things to implement the extensive regulatory requirements for sustainability Governance Signing of the German 0000 ** financial sector climate agreement and resolution of the ESG governance model ම Sustainability Board Establishment of a bank-wide information centre with an expert working group on sus- tainability topics as well as centres of expertise Frameworks Integration of a Sustainable Loan Framework and a Green Bond Framework into the Bank's processes as well as ESG guidelines Our goals and ambitions Strategies Development of the current climate strategy into a bank- wide sustainability strategy Employees Establishment of an ESG Academy with training and qualification offers as well as expansion of the ESG centres of expertise Transition paths Development of transition paths for sector decarboni- sation for the most emission- intensive sectors and defi nition of net zero targets A Taxonomy Introduction of the EU Taxonomy: Determination of the Green Asset Ratio and Taxonomy Disclosure Control Regular reporting and transparency creation through a sustainability KPI dashboard E ΓΚΡΙ Finanzgruppe 13 NORD/LB
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