Investor Presentaiton
Economic Perspective
Achievements 2011
As part of the constant search for an equitable competition
in the Industry, during 2011 there are three events which
become very important for AXTEL:
• Reduction of interconnection rates for long distance
service in more than 60% in regards to the reductions
previously obtained in 2009 and 2010.
• The resolution of the Supreme Court of Justice in the
Nation preventing that the resolutions in issues related to
interconnection may be subject to suspension.
Opening of interconnection of long-distance calls to
portable phones, which was denied by portable operators
to AXTEL since 2006. The latest achievement enabled us
an important cost reduction that promoted significantly
our market share.
As a result of the aforementioned, in 2011 we increased net
sales in voice services to other operators, achieving near 5
billion minutes in long distance.
On the other hand, important negotiations with strategic
suppliers were also carried out in 2011 in order to strengthen
the user experience and offerings of new products.
Lean Six Sigma AXTEL Program
Due to the importance of maintaining our operations focused
on continuous improvement in order to achieve an increase
in productivity and results, there were 30 projects under this
methodology implemented during 2011 covering all the areas
in the organization and directly engaging 200 collaborators.
Thanks to this, there were economic benefits achieved for
more than $ 1.5 million dollars.
During this year, 30 internal consultants leaders in the
methodology were certified and we integrated the Center for
Quality Excellence to potentiate the Lean Six Sigma program in
AXTEL, highlighting the following topics: operational efficiency,
information quality and productivity in service delivery.
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