Investor Presentaiton
34,000 MW in Social, Institutional, Govt., Private Commercial, Industrial Sectors etc. by
suitably incentivizing DISCOMs
Incentive for Dis-Coms in the scheme :
Incentives planned to enable DisComs to create
an enabling ecosystem for expeditious
implementation of RTS projects in their area.
Participating DisComs to submit the cumulative
capacity of grid connected RTS plants (in MWp)
installed in their jurisdictional area as on 31st
March 2019. This shall be taken as installed base
Incentives will be given on incremental RTS
capacity installed by the DisComs from the
installed base capacity as per parameters listed
in Table-1
S. Parameter
Table-1 (Incentive proposed for Discom in SRISTI)
Incentive to be Provided
For installed capacity achieved above 10% 5% of the applicable cost** for capacit
and up to 15% over and above of the install y achieved above 10% of the installed
ed base capacity* within a financial year base capacity
For installed capacity achieved beyond 15 5% of the applicable cost** for capacit
% over and above of the installed base capa y achieved above 10% and up to 15 %
city within one financial year
of the installed base capacity PLUS 10
% of the applicable cost** for capacity
achieved beyond 15 % of the installed
base capacity
Tasks to be taken by Discom: The tasks taken by DisCom shall include but not be limited to:
1. Providing dedicated manpower for RTS implementation,
3. Bid process management, technical studies,
5. Providing time bound services to RTS consumers,
Online database management of commissioned capacity,
9. Ensuring availability of net-meters,
Rooftop assessment,
Upgradation in ERP system/components,
Inspection and monitoring of RTS plants,
8. Consumer awareness and publicity,
10. Empanelled vendors along with rates, Providing grid connectivity etc.View entire presentation