2022 Full Year Results slide image

2022 Full Year Results

Corporate and Institutional Banking Global Banking - 4Q22 4Q22 4Q21 4Q22 / 3Q22 4Q22 / 2022 2021 2022 / 4Q21 3Q22 2021 Єm Global Banking Revenues Operating Expenses and Dep. 1,522 1,324 +15.0% 1,181 +28.9% 5,218 5,087 +2.6% -743 -655 +13.4% -663 +12.1% -2,878 -2,652 +8.5% Gross Operating Income 779 669 +16.5% 518 +50.5% 2,340 2,435 -3.9% Cost of Risk -155 72 n.s. -116 +33.3% -336 -201 +67.6% Operating Income 624 741 -15.7% 402 +55.4% 2,004 2,234 -10.3% Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities 1 1 n.s. 1 +23.5% 4 16 -73.3% Other Non Operating Items 0 -1 n.s. 0 +66.4% 0 -4 n.s. Pre-Tax Income 626 740 -15.5% 403 +55.3% 2,009 2,246 -10.6% Cost/Income 48.8% 49.5% -0.7 pt 56.1% -7.3 pt 55.1% 52.1% +3.0 pt Allocated Equity (Єbn, year to date) 16.5 14.3 +15.5% Revenues: +15.0% vs. 4Q21 (+11.5% at constant scope and exchange rates) Very good performance in an unfavourable context in 4Q22 Very significant increase in Transaction Banking, particularly in cash management, driven by a favourable interest-rate environment and, in APAC Operating expenses: +13.4% vs. 4Q21 (+9.3% at constant scope and exchange rates) Impact of the faster pace of growth in activity in 4Q22 Exchange-rate and scope impact (~30% of growth vs. 4Q21) Positive jaws effect (+1.6 pt) BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world 2022 Full Year Results | 61
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