Sustainability Report 2020
Sustainability for Portobello
Volume of water captured for ceramic production (I/m²)
water reuse
Total volume of recycled/reused industrial water (m³)
Water is an essential, but limited resource
in our planet. Therefore, we have optimi-
zed its use at both of our manufacturing
facilities and our retail operations.
At Tijucas, production employees a clo-
sed-loop water system. This means all the
water used in manufacturing is treated and
reintroduced into the process. Water is lost
only from evaporation, which is sent out
through smokestacks as white vapor.
We keep a close watch on the consump-
tion of industrial water, through a drinking
water consumption indicator. We won the
2020 Citizen Business Award in the envi-
ronmental conservation category with a
case study titled Efficient use of water in
its operations, in November 2020.
For 2021, we will be introducing Project
Water, through which our employees will
be able to participate more actively in the
way we manage and use industrial water.
Our technology evolution takes place also
as equipment is systematically replaced.
We have invested in equipment that uses
the least amount of water possible, such as
the new dry grinding unit, implemented into
the product processing stage. Our goal for
2021 is to capture 13.21 liters of water per
square meter of ceramics produced.
The water we collect comes from our own
sources, including groundwater and sur-
face water, near our manufacturing facili-
ties. We are careful about conserving the
environment surrounding our waters. Fur-
thermore, we are part of the Tijucas River
Drainage Basin Committee, supporting ac-
tions and decisions made. In 2020, there
was an increase in groundwater use and
a decrease in surface water use due to a
drought that affected Santa Catarina.
At the Marechal Deodoro manufacturing
facility, we employ a dry manufacturing
process that requires no water for grinding
and uses it only for glazing and polishing.
Compared to the wet process used in the
Santa Catarina manufacturing facility, in
2020, dry manufacturing used 4.39 liters to
make one square meter of ceramics whe-
reas the former used 14.79 liters.
Also in Alagoas, the water we use origina-
tes from our own sources, thought they are
all groundwater sources. After its industrial
and sanitary uses, the water is treated and
disposed of in compliance with environ-
mental management standards.
At the Portobello Shop chain, we encou-
rage a conscious approach to water use.
For the next few years, we are working
on a standardized way to manage this
resource. Our recommendations include
using dual flush toilet tanks, which con-
serve water, and dry cleaning windows.
Moreover, rainwater is harvested in those
stores where possible.
Sustainability Report 2020
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