Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

Corporate and Institutional Banking Global Banking - 9M22 3Q22 3Q21 3Q22 / 2Q22 3Q22 / 9M22 9M21 9M22 / €m Global Banking Revenues Operating Expenses and Dep. 3Q21 2Q22 9M21 1,181 1,282 -7.9% 1,248 -5.4% 3,696 3,763 -1.8% -663 -640 +3.6% -657 +0.8% -2,135 -1,997 +6.9% Gross Operating Income 518 642 -19.3% 591 -12.3% 1,561 1,766 -11.6% Cost of Risk -116 -24 n.s. -85 +36.5% -181 -273 -33.5% Operating Income 402 618 -35.0% 505 -20.5% 1,380 1,493 -7.6% Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities 1 1 +14.0% 1 +35.6% 3 15 -81.0% Other Non Operating Items 0 -3 n.s. 0 -98.2% 0 -3 n.s. Pre-Tax Income 403 616 -34.6% 506 -20.5% 1,383 1,506 -8.2% Cost/Income 56.1% 49.9% +6.2 pt 52.7% +3.4 pt 57.8% 53.1% +4.7 pt Allocated Equity (Ebn, year to date) 16.4 14.0 +17.0% Revenues: -1.8% vs. 9M21 (-6.2% at constant scope and exchange rates) Good resilience in an unfavourable context, particularly in 2Q22 and 3Q22 Further market share gains Operating expenses: +6.9% vs. 9M21 (+2.6% at constant scope and exchange rates) Increase driven by the foreign exchange impact and business development Cost of risk: -33.5% vs. 9M21, low cost of risk, decrease due to a high basis of comparison in 1Q21 Allocated equity: +17.0% vs. 9M21 Increase related to volume growth, impact of regulations in 1Q22 and foreign exchange effect BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world Third quarter 2022 results | 48
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