Bank of Ireland 2020 Interim Results slide image

Bank of Ireland 2020 Interim Results

42 42 Portfolio by stage Composition (Jun 20) Bank of Ireland 2020 Interim Results Gross carrying amount Impairment loss allowance ILA % (before impairment loss allowance) Sectoral analysis by stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI 2 Total of gross loans Residential Mortgages - Republic of Ireland €m 40,435 1,680 20,106 1,209 1,565 €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m 2,199 3 44,317 105 41 435 581 1.3% 3 22,883 50 22 376 448 2.0% - UK 20,329 471 634 21,434 55 19 59 133 0.6% Non-property SME and corporate 13,686 5,899 1,047 27 20,659 154 220 437 7 818 4.0% - Republic of Ireland SME 5,344 1,128 636 7,108 108 68 251 427 6.0% - UK SME 1,074 497 106 1 1,678 6 22 37 65 3.9% - Corporate - Investment - Development 7,268 4,274 305 26 11,873 40 130 149 326 2.7% Property and construction 3,684 3,426 1,027 60 8,197 12 82 345 16 455 5.6% 3,470 2,834 993 60 7,357 214 592 34 840 Consumer 4,905 265 128 5,298 - Motor Lending UK 1,954 83 22 2,059 - Loans UK 1,216 41 36 1,293 - Motor Lending ROI 767 21 788 - Loans ROI 600 107 33 740 - Credit Cards ROI 368 34 16 418 Total 62,710 11,270 4,401 90 78,471 1-5266272 11 58 330 16 415 5.6% 24 15 40 4.8% 42 75 268 5.1% 13 8 10 31 1.5% 17 30 153 11.8% 8 14 1.8% 19 10 18 47 6.4% 7 9 23 5.5% 385 1,292 23 2,122 2.7% Composition (Dec 19) Gross carrying amount (before impairment loss allowance) Impairment loss allowance ILA % Sectoral analysis by stage Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI Total of gross loans €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m €m Residential Mortgages 42,898 1,677 1,693 3 46,271 16 36 380 432 0.9% - Republic of Ireland 20,610 1,133 1,289 3 23,035 7 22 340 369 1.6% - UK 22,288 544 404 - 23,236 9 14 40 63 0.3% Non-property SME and corporate 17,474 2,175 757 27 20,433 56 78 353 487 2.4% - Republic of Ireland SME 5,799 1,011 495 7,305 33 39 225 297 4.1% - UK SME 1,382 225 78 2 1,687 3 8 38 49 2.9% - Corporate Property and construction - Investment - Development Consumer 10,293 939 184 25 11,441 20 31 90 141 1.2% 5,985 1,513 549 65 8,112 6 42 5,418 1,251 519 65 7,253 5 40 567 262 30 859 1 5,421 206 100 5,727 64 - Motor Lending UK 2,147 58 21 2,226 6 - Loans UK 1,232 40 24 1,296 42 - Motor Lending ROI 821 14 835 3 - Loans ROI 681 74 30 785 9 - Credit Cards ROI 540 34 11 585 4 Total 71,778 5,571 3,099 95 80,543 142 22223-1668 180 230 2.8% 162 209 2.9% 18 21 2.4% 63 159 2.8% 10 19 0.9% 17 21 80 6.2% 6 9 1.1% 19 34 4.3% 7 17 2.9% 976 2 1,308 1.6% Bank of Ireland
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