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Investor Presentaiton

Income statement Q4 (Domestic) Rs. Crs. Standalone India Operations* Particulars CY LY % CY LY % Revenues (net of taxes) 10334 8750 18 10299 8750 18 EBITDA 2353 1814 30 2406 1814 33 Margin (%) 23% 21% 2 23% 21% 2 Finance costs 371 340 (9) 426 340 (25) Depreciation 499 481 (4) 526 481 (9) PBT 1483 767 93 1454 767 90 Tax expenses 465 279 (67) 465 279 (67) PAT 1017 488 109 988 488 103 EPS (Rs.) 37.1 17.8 109 36.0 17.8 103 * After Elimination of Inter-company transactions between UTCL & UNCL Q4: India Operations - Operating EBITDA increased 63% over Q3 FY19 Operating margin at 23%; + 600 bps over Q3 FY19 UltraTech Cement Limited 22
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