Investor Presentaiton
3.3 SWOT Analysis
It is admitted that Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink is
an ambitious target. Nonetheless, it is achievable,
not just a wishful thinking. Indonesia's FOLU Net
Sink was constructed based on deep consideration
in order to support NDC implementation.
In terms of strength, Indonesia has enough
capital to achieve FOLU Net Sink. It includes
the reduction in deforestation and in forest and
land fires as a result of improvements in forest
governance that have been carried out since 2014
under the leadership of President Joko Widodo.
Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink target is measured
in a systematic and scientific manner employing
spatial analysis-based approaches, such as; Forest
Quality Index, High Conservation Value (HCV),
environmental services, and bio-geophysical
Indexes of carbon sequestration and land and
forest fires (IBGF). It also takes into account
several modalities such as forest use direction
(RKTN) 2011-2030, institutional capacity, and
existing social capital on the ground.
As a newly published idea, the FOLU Net Sink
must continue to be propagated so that it can
be thoroughly understood by all stakeholders,
particularly in the grassroots level. It also needs
to be understood that science becomes a basis
to tackle climate crisis, which sometimes makes
terminology employed in the UNFCCC pathways
There is still high opportunity to achieve the
ambitious target. The government has conducted
interactive outreach to all relevant stakeholders
including grassroots communities since the
target was published to the public. As a result,
all relevant stakeholders such as line ministries,
scientists, and non-state actors expressed great
support and optimism for the implementation
of Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink towards carbon
positive of 140 Mt CO₂e by 2030. Furthermore,
showcases, centers of excellence, and the best
practices in the field are developed over all regions
to ensure that Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink will be
properly understood and implemented in the site
Details on the implementation and
coordination amongst stakeholders involved
could become challenging, which might hinder
the accomplishment of Indonesia's FOLU Net
Sink target. However, it is countered through the
publication of the Operational Plan of Indonesia's
FOLU Net Sink 2030 which provides detailed
design in spatial approaches-based programs and
mitigation actions, responsible persons, human
resource needs, facilities and infrastructure,
budgeting and implementation timelines for 2022-
2030. The Operational Plan is further translated
into a detailed work plan at the sub-national level
in which the arrangement involves all stakeholders
at the Provincial and District levels with assistance
from FORETIKA and the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry.
Minister Siti Nurbaya emphasizes the importance of concrete implementation of
Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 through all levels at the 2023 Indonesia's FOLU
Net Sink 2030 Activities Plan Working Meeting.
(Jakarta, 13 December 2022)
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