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BRI Performance Highlights and Green Initiatives

FINANCIAL RATIOS - BANK ONLY Solid Performance in Host Metrics Description Q1'22 1H'22 9M'22 2021 2022 ΔΥΟΥ BRI CASA 63.75% 65.36% 65.65% 63.30% 66.92% 3.62% Cost of Fund (Liabilities) 1.73% 1.70% 1.73% 2.05% 1.87% -0.18% LDR 87.14% 88.95% 88.92% 83.67% 79.17% -4.50% Net Interest Margin (NIM) 6.85% 7.35% 7.23% 6.89% 6.80% -0.08% Cost to Income Ratio (CIR) 38.37% 37.11% 38.99% 43.26% 41.95% -1.30% Opr. Expense to Opr. Income 64.26% 63.98% 62.59% 74.30% 64.20% -10.10% NPL ratio Gross 3.15% 3.32% 3.14% 3.08% 2.82% -0.27% NPL Coverage 275.66% 265.15% 275.88% 278.14% 291.54% 13.39% LAR 22.58% 20.78% 19.28% 24.11% 17.11% -7.00% LAR Coverage 38.50% 42.39% 44.90% 35.56% 48.00% 12.44% Credit Cost 2.96% 3.35% 2.88% 3.42% 2.47% -0.95% Return on Assets (ROA) - b.t 3.56% 3.82% 3.97% 2.72% 3.76% 1.04% Return on Assets (ROA) - a.t 2.84% 3.11% 3.21% 2.23% 3.03% 0.79% Return on Equity (ROE) - Tier I 19.11% 21.38% 22.00% 16.87% 20.93% 4.05% Return on Equity (ROE) - B/S 15.39% 17.08% 17.58% 14.09% 16.76% 2.67% Tier I CAR 21.39% 21.97% 23.00% 24.27% 22.30% -1.97% Total CAR 22.39% 22.97% 24.00% 25.28% 23.30% -1.98% 48 48
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