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Investor Presentaiton

2-3. Management Business Property Management Management and other consignment business relating to office building, retail facility, housing, and Car Park Leasing operations Brokerage, Asset management, etc. Brokerage: Brokerage service for individuals (Mitsui Rehouse), etc. Asset management: Asset management services through four REITS and private funds Core Business Management Business Operating Income (Billions of yen) 60 Property Management Brokerage, Asset Management, etc. Assets under Management (As of March 31, 2021) (Trillions of yen) 4.35 4.50 3.92 3.98 4.00 3.73 3.61 3.42 3.47 3.50 3.32 3.19 50 2.93 3.00 2.80 22.8 21.2 40 40 22.4 23.2 2.50 22.1 20.8 19.8 2.00 15.1 1.50 30 18.0 10.5 10.2 1.00 3/'11 3/'12 3/'13 3/'14 3/'15 3/'16 3/'17 3/'18 3/'19 3/'20 3/'21 20 10 21.9 23.7 26.4 27.8 28.5 29.9 32.5 28.9 30.2 32.7 21.8 NBF Nippon Building 31% Private Funds 26% 3/'11 3/'12 3/'13 3/'14 3/'15 3/'16 3/'17 3/'18 3/'19 3/'20 3/'21 *Figures for FY2017 and earlier exclude operating income from leasing management of the old segment "Mitsui Home" In the FY2018, calculating based on the value after recombination MITSUI FUDOSAN CO.,LTD 41 Originators Nippon Accommodations 7% Fund 8% 7% Frontier Real Estate Investment Corporation MFLP Logistics Park, Inc. Fudosan
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