Energizing the Future
The case for natural gas
Abundant and domestic
The U.S. has 3,368 Tcf of
future natural gas supply,
100 years worth¹
The U.S. natural gas
transmission and distribution
system (2.6M miles of
underground pipeline) is the
safest and most reliable way
to deliver energy¹
Direct use of natural gas is a more
efficient energy: 91% vs 36% for
generation from converting natural
gas or other fossil fuels to electricity¹
Safe and reliable
Efficient and economical
U.S. households using natural
gas for heating, cooking and
clothes drying, rather than
electricity, save an average of
$1,041 per year¹
Forced electrification could
cause the average U.S.
household's energy-related
costs to increase by
$700-$900 per year²
The cost of electrification to
the U.S. economy through
2035 is $590B-$1.2T²
Better for the environment
12022 AGA Playbook.
2AGA-Implications of Policy-Driven Residential Electrification.
3 AGA - Net Zero Emissions Opportunities for Gas Utilities.
Residential natural gas usage
accounts for less than 5% of
total U.S. GHG emissions³
28 Spire Investor presentation - August 2022
Switching from coal to natural
gas for electric generation
reduces GHG emissions by
54% on average¹
Natural gas efficiency and
growth of renewable energy
have led to energy-related co₂
emissions hitting 30-year lows¹View entire presentation