Investor Presentaiton
Today's key message
Personnel and
Aim for sustainable growth by focusing on quality of earnings and ROE,
while placing the highest priority on ensuring stable business operations
Continuously optimize risk profile monitoring geopolitical risk, inflation, US
yield curve etc., and keep appropriate balance sheet management
Maintain the current dividend estimates for FY22 at JPY 80 for now based
on the uncertainty of the business environment
Continue to expand platform in focused areas in order to cement our
strength and pursue further growth
Integrate non-financial capabilities (e.g. "Mizuho Research & Technologies"
and "Mizuho-DL Financial Technology") and financial capabilities to provide
value added solution to the clients
Connect internal/external resources/intelligence to improve customer
journey, enhance productivity and contribute to clients' DX
Improve HR framework and promote employee-friendly workspace in order to
enhance employee engagement which will promote win-win relationship
between employees and institution
Management fully committed to directly engage with our employees
Pursue growth through continuous investment in human resources and IT/DX
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