Enel Capex and Financial Guidance slide image

Enel Capex and Financial Guidance

Enel Group's listed companies (as of June 30th, 2023) 64.9% enel Chile enel 82.3% enel Américas1 93.5% 99.1% 100% Enel Gx Chile Enel Dx Chile Enel Brasil 92.6% Pehuenche enel 70.1% endesa 100% Enel Perú 74.1% 99.8% 83.2% 83.6% 96.5% Enel Dx Ceará Enel Dx Rio Enel Dx Perú² Enel Gx Perú Enel Gx Piura 77-5 Unlisted companies 1. Also operating in Argentina, Colombia and Central America through unlisted companies 2. On April 7, Enel Perù entered into a Share Purchase Agreement to sell its entire stake in Enel Distribución Perú 173
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