Institutional Presentation September 2020 slide image

Institutional Presentation September 2020

MAIN RECENT EVENTS LAUNCH OF NEW TECHFIN PRODUCTS Launch of TOTVS Painel Financeiro, TOTVS Mais Negócios and TOTVS Mais Prazo showing the evolution of the strategy and adding innovation to the portfolio, strengthening the strategy of expanding, simplifying and making access to financial services cheaper through technology. T 16 RELEASE OF 2019 INTEGRATED REPORT TOTVS 2019 RELATO INTEGRADO TOTVS As part of the ESG Agenda, the fourth edition of the Integrated Report was released, referring to 2019, voluntarily adopting the GRI and IIRC guidelines and integrating the advances ins the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Pact and the and the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDG). ACTIONS WITH THE ECOSYSTEM - COVID-19 In addition to not adopting measures to reduce wages in the period, working hours or teams, actions were also made for its ecosystem, including: the TOTVS Talks Live Marathon and the "TOTVERS that DO" campaign, the latter to support students from Instituto da Oportunidade Social (IOS) and their families during the pandemic, providing food and hygiene items, and sponsored internet to access their content. TOTVERS QUE FAZEM QUE
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