Carbon Footprint Methodology for Automotive Products
2.1 Definition of Scope
China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd.
■Recycled material production and processing process
In the recycled material production and processing process, only the manufacturing processing of recycled materials are considered, excluding the carbon
emissions from automobile scrapping, infrastructure such as roads and plants, equipment in each processes, personnel and living facilities in the plant.
Only manufacturing processes of recycled materials are considered
1. No tracking of recycling
process by OEMS
At present, domestic OEMs have not
tracked the vehicles for the full life cycle,
and there is a lack of data on the disposal
of end-of-life vehicles.
2. Imperfect scrapping
Currently, China's automobile scrapping
system is not perfect and lacks data support
Recycling of end-of-life vehicles is low and
3. Standard-based
Recycling and reusing materials in other
products involves distribution issues, and
will extend the boundaries infinitely, so it
is not operational
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