Overview of 2023 Budget
Government Proposals
Economic Strategy - Proposals
build systems and enhance the capacity of relevant institutions to fight economic crimes
enhancing productivity, promoting diversification and value chain development
adopt appropriate technology and advanced mechanization, including appropriate seed and
fertilizers inputs as well as climate-smart technologies
facilitate increased production of meats (poultry, beef and pork) as well as eggs, fish and milk
up-scale its production of green and renewable energy
upscale efforts to ensure access to clean water and sanitation for Basotho
forge alliances with countries in the region to build infrastructure that facilitates the transfer and
distribution of water to the SADC region.
invest in water conservation and catchment management, and management of pollution and the
environment at large.
improve institutional arrangements for participation in the extractive industry (particularly the
mining sector) to ensure better beneficiation
• conserve biodiversity for now and for future generations.
• ICT infrastructure development shall be aligned with e-government priorities, opportunities in e-
commerce and the provision of efficient services
⚫ investment in high-quality education and relevant skills development programmes
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