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Investor Presentaiton

NEA Japanese Practice in Construction of NPPS Nuclear Energy Agency OECD (Source: IAEA N. E. series No. NP-T-2.7).) • Japanese legislation define that the sole licensee must be the electric power company, which is responsible for the safety of the plant and must submit for the approval of the safety analysis report and the construction permit. • . All Japanese electric companies are large and have the tradition to do the engineering of their power plant themselves. The owner/utilities in Japan carry the burden of major portions of the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of their NPPs. Consequently, the Japanese electric companies have built NPPs by awarding split-package contracts (the so-called island approach) as well as smaller component contracts. Given the large number of utilities in Japan, each company built relatively few NPPs and this has made it difficult to maintain a highly qualified workforce. All utilities in Japan have developed and maintained good relationship with each other and willingly share their human resources. Salaries and expenditures continued to be paid by the original employers. OECD NEA Workshop on Project and Logistics Management, Paris, 11th March 2014 9
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