FY2023 Financial Forecasts slide image

FY2023 Financial Forecasts

Shareholder Return: Dividends ■ Year-end dividend is 28 yen per share (+1 yen YoY) 18.3-'19.3: US GAAP '20.3-'22.3: IFRS TOYOTA ■We will continue to aim to pay stable and sustainable dividends while maintaining and improving upon our consolidated dividend pay-out ratio benchmark of 30%. Year-end Dividend *1 (yen) 50 44 44 Interim Dividend *1 <220> <220> 44 <220> 48 <240> 52 <260> 40 28 27 30 24 24 <120> <120> 24 <120> <140> <135> 20 10 20 20 20 21 <105> Special Dividend: 24 <120> <100> <100> <100> 0 $18.3 '19.3 $20.3 1yen <5yen> '21.3 $22.3 Total Amount of Dividends Interim Full Year 293.4 286.9 278.9 293.5 332.4 (billions of yen) Payout Ratio*2 27.8% 23.4% 24.5% 46.6% 21.9% Total Amount of Dividends 642.6 626.8 610.8 671.0 718.2 (billions of yen) Payout Ratio*3 26.1% 33.8% 30.2% 29.8% 25.3% *1 Figures not enclosed in show dividends per common share on a post-stock split (a five-for-one stock split of shares of our common stock that was conducted on October 1, 2021) basis; figures enclosed in show dividends per common share on a pre-stock split basis *2 Interim Payout Ratio = (Interim dividend per common share) ÷ (Interim net income attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation per common share) *3 Full Year Payout Ratio = (Full year dividend per common share) ÷ (Full year net income attributable to Toyota Motor Corporation per common share) 11
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