Capital First Investor Presentation September 2018
Culture @ IDFC FIRST Bank
Section 1: Vision
After much debate, we settled
in on three themes: Ethical
Banking, Digital Banking and
Social Good. This also goes
well with our vision statement.
Coding the DNA: By making this seal and sharing
with employees, we are attempting to code the DNA of
our employees. That's because we are an early stage
bank and the DNA code we build will affect the long
(Annual Report 2020-21)
We will not dilute credit norms to
get more business. We are very
careful with our portfolio quality
and we monitor indicators
minutely. We rigorously subject the
applications through 10 specific
filters. We generally reject about
40-60% of the applications received
by us based on product category
as part of the above stringent
filtration process.
that were
Don't underestimate the power
I motivated of the 50% CASA Bank with a
They were
customers. powerful and tested lending
cheme for
credit to machine attached to it.
ry credit to
lowance of
his greatly.
stress tes
2014), de
IL&FS cri
Grass an
average (
retail cred
years, our
growth ar
lac crore
capital, te
a cutting
first featu
Now coming to business, let me answer some key questions financing
that may be on your mind.
infra corp
(Annual Report 2021-22)
express our sincere thanks to our regulator the Reserve
Bank of India who have constantly guided us on our approach
and supported us throughout. Our Board members are
(Annual Report 2020-21)
embers are
he Board,
son only a
o our focus
mpare well
hence the
st reviews,
etc. could
er publicly.
hortcuts to
culture and
the genes
ur vision to
We are a universal bank with highly
diversified sources of income. Apart
from lending, we have launched
several other new businesses such
as cash management, Trade Forex,
Wealth management, toll and
transit, credit card business,
segmented current accounts, start-
up banking, and distribution of
insurance and investment products.
online purchase through a payment gateway and not insist
estalegusel. Then we made que cowardo
(Annual Report 2021-22)
have always
ank for the lo
I boxes exce
ustomer orie
rowth potenti
I have always maintained that we are
building a world class bank for the
longer run and are not rushing it. We
tick all boxes except one. We currently iversified by
don't make the cut on only one count
net profits. I believe we will address
this issue in FY23 comprehensively.
working seriously on the same. The cost to income ratio is
coming down every year since the merger and will continue
to trend materially down from hereon.
(Annual Report 2021-22)
MD and CEO message to employees and shareholders
rowing marke
le currently
rofits. I believ
xpect to see
I see a strong
get here to thi
operating prof
We look forwa
schemes of to
education, an
In parallel, a r
like e-gov. Di
about which m
our business.
Our Bank, ove
steps to creat
forward. Befo
would like to
of our foundat
We know that we are on to a wonderful
model, and I am confident that if we
stay the course and play with a straight massive long-
bat, we will meet all aspirations of
investors and other stakeholders.
Hence, no matter the pressure, we
'communicate our strategy to all
stakeholders in simple terms, stick to
the plan, and deliver on the stated
strategy. I am confident that with this
approach, results will follow, it's only a
matter of time.
(Annual Report 2021-22)
for focussed attention on this matter. She has written a note
for us on the initiatives of the bank in this report.
We believe we will have strong
ROE, with the growth potential of
a youthful-stage bank and strong
technology orientation to
leverage the future.
(Annual Report 2021-22)
the ban
also tha
Yours si
V Vaidy
Corporate Go
model. We ma
of accounting
prudent risk m
compliance et
priority of our
BankView entire presentation