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Alpek Company Overview

«PET keeps me safe>> The current health emergency caused by the Coronavirus has taught us many things about our life and ourselves in a very short period of time. Something I didn't expect to learn was the importance of PET for us, as doctors and patients. To me PET was just the water bottle I used when running, but it turns out that it's also present in many other things, starting with the safety goggles and facemask I must wear at work. It's odd how something like a virus we can't even see showed us how vulnerable we really are. Today I trust the PET in those goggles and facemask to get home safely and be with my two daughters and husband. Obviously, we were not expecting this pandemic, but PET helped us face it head-on. DR. KRISTEN GIORDANO Currently fighting Covid-19 Toronto, CAN Calpek | The Case for PET
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