Investor Presentation - Q1 FY23
Strong Governance Structure
Work Sustainably & Ethically
Sustainable Finance
We promote Financial Inclusion.
We have customers belonging to EWS and LIG
categories which account for more than 75% of our
book size.
Overall, ~90% loans have woman as borrower
Primary applicant in 18% of AUM
Atleast 1 woman co-borrower in 73% of AUM.
Code of Conduct and Business Ethics
Company has Code of Conduct for its employees
which has operational guidelines.
We have a code of conduct for our connectors :
Continuous training and communication on Whistle
Blower and POSH (Prevention of Sexual
Investor Presentation - Q1 FY23
Governance at core
Corporate Governance
Core competencies of Independent Directors
directly relevant to company's operations.
Diverse Board, Senior management
employee base.
Stable senior management team.
The Company has also adopted the following
policies to ensure ethical, transparent and
accountable conduct:
i. Customer Grievance Policy (Link)
ii. Code of Conduct for the Directors and Employees
iii. Fair Practice Code (Link)
iv. Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair
Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information
v. Policy on Prevention of Sexual harassment Policy
vi. Vigil Mechanism and Whistle blower (Link)
vii. Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money
Laundering Measures Policy (Link)
viii. Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance (Link)
Separate Chairman & Managing
Director position
Experienced Board & Management
with diversified expertise across
Technology, Financial Inclusion &
Risk Management
7 of 8
Directors are non-executive
4 of 8
Independent Directors
2 of 8
Woman Directors
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