MuniFin Green Finance and Liquidity Portfolio Evaluation
Copyright MuniFin
Appendix 11
Karstula comprehensive school
School for 400-500 pupils (from preprimary to upper secondary)
Finance: EUR 16,000,000
Target population: Children and wider population of Karstula
Rationale for investment: Previous school buildings had indoor air problems and pupils
have been relocated to temporary locations scattered across the municipality.
Issues faced by the municipality: Declining and aging population, high unemployment
Social Evaluation Team's rationale: Well-functioning, healthy and safe facilities for early
childhood education and teaching are a foundation for the well-being of children,
teenagers and teaching staff alike. Solutions that support safety and a sense of
community can have a significant effect on children and teenagers' self-esteem and later
life. Using the school as a venue for village events will bring vitality to the village and
strengthen community spirit and add to the municipality's attractiveness.
Municipality of Karstula
Location: Central Finland
Population: 3949 (2019)View entire presentation