Elkem Company Overview and Financials
Clear pipeline of downstream projects to offtake additional
upstream production
Active and advanced strategy for offtake upstream offtake
Key takeaways
2020 - 2026
Upstream volume available including capacity expansion ramp-up (China)
(cyclics / linears)
Strong backlog &
pipeline of
downstream projects
supported by R&D
Xinghuo expansion (82)
Xinghuo expansion (117)
Run rate production
Expansion ramp-up
A | Backlog downstream projects
B | Pipeline downstream projects
■ Increased production of linears allows for further
specialisations and new, higher-value formulations
Significant backlog of high feasibility downstream
projects and additional pipeline to offtake upstream
Improved security of supply for downstream
production and key enabler to continue growth in
specialised segments
+30-40% of total
upstream expansion
Backlog of mature projects
with high feasibility
+70-85% of total
upstream expansion
Non-mature projects to be
refined and developed further
■ Several strategic efforts to further develop
footprint, including downstream M&A opportunities
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