Investor Presentaiton
Overview of Macquarie
Operating Groups
1Q23 Update
Macquarie's approach to risk management
Strong focus on business accountability and risk ownership
Stable and robust core risk management principles
Supported by our longstanding approach to establishing and
maintaining an appropriate risk culture
Ownership of risk
Our approach is consistent with the 'three lines of defence'
model with clear accountability for risk management
The three lines of defence model, which is a widely adopted
standard across the industry, sets risk ownership responsibilities
functionally independent from oversight and assurance
Line 1
Line 2
at the business level
worst case outcomes
sign-off by Risk
Management Group
Line 3
Primary responsibility for risk management lies
with the business.
The Risk Management Group (RMG) forms the second line of defence and
independently assesses material risks.
Internal Audit provides independent and objective risk-based assurance
on the compliance with, and effectiveness of, Macquarie's financial and
risk management framework.
Principles stable for 30+ years
A key factor in our 53 years of unbroken profitability
O Macquarie Group Limited
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