Turkish Market Competitive Position and Growth slide image

Turkish Market Competitive Position and Growth

Increase in share of commute relative to leisure rides reduced average ride durations¹ Average ride duration (min) 12 11 10 11.4 9 88% 10.6 94% 90% 9.3 8 Q2'21 Q3'21 Q4'21 95% 8.5 Q1'22 -Average ride duration (min) -Share of commute rides 93% 9.1 Share of commute rides² 97% 95% 93% 92% 91% 89% 87% 8.5 85% Q2'22 Q3'22 Source: Company estimate 1. Analysis is conducted for rides in Istanbul, which account for the majority of our rides. 2. Share of commute rides is the sum of daily commute and first and last mile commute. (i) first and last mile: rides that start or end within a 100m radius of metro, metrobus, marmaray or ferry stops; (ii) leisure: rides with more than 10 times difference between the total ride distance and the air distance (bird's eye view) from start to end points of ride; (iii) commute: all remaining rides. 8
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