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Investor Presentaiton

13 Commercial execution and innovation Diabetes care Novo NordiskⓇ OzempicⓇ and Rybelsus® are driving the diabetes care sales growth in North America Operations Diabetes care sales and growth in North America Operations North America Operations has been on a journey of: DKK billion 60 6% 50 40 40 30 20 20 10 2% 3% 5% 12% 0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Injectable GLP-1 Oral GLP-1 Insulin Other Diabetes care Growth at CER CER: Constant exchange rates Note: Blockbuster products are products reaching USD 1 billion in sales Transforming ~70% of US sales by 2022 Status: 60% Notably increasing the number of patients treated Progress: Treating ~30% more patients since 2017 Bringing two new blockbuster products to the market Progress: Ozempic® is a 3x blockbuster and RybelsusⓇ is approaching blockbuster status just two years after launch CMD22 CAPITAL MARKETS DAY
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