HSBC Amanah SDG Bond Framework slide image

HSBC Amanah SDG Bond Framework

Overview of HSBC Amanah Key Credit Highlights Financial Highlights HSBC Group Sustainability HSBC SDG Bond Framework 19 HSBC is a committed sustainable finance partner HSBC has committed to provide USD100bn of sustainable financing and investment by 2025 to develop clean energy, lower-carbon technologies and projects that contribute to the delivery of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals ■ HSBC ranked by Global Capital as #1 Most Impressive Bank in Asia Pacific Green/SRI Capital Markets, #2 for EMEA, #3 for Americas the only bank to be ranked in the top 3 for all global markets in 2017 (awarded Sept 2017) - ■ HSBC awarded Best Underwriter in the Environmental Finance Green Bond Awards 2017 (awarded April 2017) ■ HSBC is a longstanding member of the ICMA¹ Green Bond Principles Executive Committee ■ HSBC was one of the founding writers of the Social Bond Principles and continues to work closely with ICMA on their development ■ ICMA have also launched new Sustainability Bond Guidelines to provide guidance for bonds combining green and social projects, which HSBC supported ■ HSBC France issued its inaugural EUR500m Green Bond in 2015 In September 2016, the first related progress report was published; proceeds were used across 20 projects/clients, of which 81% in Renewable Energy, 16% in Sustainable Waste Management and 2% in Energy Efficiency² ■ Group-wide information on HBSC's green and sustainability bonds, including annual progress reports, may be found here: relations/fixed-income-investors/green-and-sustainability-bonds 1. ICMA International Capital Markets Association 2. 1% unallocated
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